Flask Tutorial # 0: Build a Flask web app with me

Swetha Ganapathi Raman
2 min readOct 17, 2024


Welcome to the development journey of Smart Cookie Learner — a Flask web application I am building for students in middle and high school to practice coding in Python.

As I am working on building this app, I plan to document every stage of the project through a series of comprehensive tutorials. The blog posts will include step by step tutorials including code samples and explanations.

The app will feature:

  • Quizzes to test students knowledge of Python concept
  • Code challenges that they can work on and execute on the app
  • AI tutor to get personalized help
  • Dashboard for tracking student progress
  • Profile to manage student information

Here is the first version of the app I have come up with.

Here’s a sneak peak of the roadmap ahead.

  1. Setting up the project and creating a simple landing page
  2. Implementing user authentication (sign up, sign in and password recovery)
  3. Creating the quiz system (database integration)
  4. Designing and building the main dashboard
  5. Developing the code challenge environment
  6. Integrating AI chatbot
  7. Other features like profile, progress tracking etc.

Join me in this journey as I transform “Smart Cookie Learner” from a concept to reality.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Let us learn and grow together with Smart Cookie Learner.



Swetha Ganapathi Raman

I am a lifelong learner and educator. I teach coding to students in middle and high school. https://smartcookielearner.com